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Pre-Pack Administration

What is Pre-Pack Administration?

Pre-Pack Administration is a process where a company enters administration and its assets are immediately sold to a third party buyer. This buyer can include existing shareholders or directors of the insolvent company. An Insolvency Practitioner (IP) is appointed to oversee and conduct the sale.

image Netchwood
image Netchwood
How Pre-Pack Administration Works

Here’s an overview of how a Pre-Pack Administration typically operates:

Administration Process

The company is placed into administration, a formal insolvency procedure aimed at protecting it from creditor actions while decisions are made about its future.

Immediate Asset Sale

Assets of the company are sold shortly after administration begins. This quick sale is advantageous when selling the business as a going concern on the open market is not feasible. For example, if the business heavily relies on a key director whose involvement is crucial for its continuity.

IP’s Role

The Insolvency Practitioner (IP) overseeing the pre-pack must ensure that the assets are sold at the best possible price. This involves conducting valuations and making necessary inquiries prior to the administration appointment. While the consent of major creditors is not mandatory, consulting them beforehand is considered good practice to avoid allegations of impropriety, especially if the current directors or shareholders are involved in buying back the business.

Benefits of Pre-Pack Administration
  • Speed and Efficiency
  • Allows for a swift sale of assets, preserving the business's value and minimizing disruption.

  • Preservation of Value
  • Ensures the business can continue operating under new ownership, maintaining jobs and relationships with suppliers and customers.

  • Strategic Flexibility
  • Enables directors or key personnel to continue running the business under new ownership, leveraging their expertise and knowledge.

  • Creditor Perception
  • Consulting major creditors help in maintaining transparency and legitimacy in the sale process.

  • Director Involvement
  • Directors or shareholders purchasing the assets must ensure they are getting the best possible deal to avoid accusations of unfair advantage.


    Pre-Pack Administration is a valuable tool for preserving businesses that would otherwise struggle to attract buyers in the open market due to specific dependencies or circumstances. It allows for a controlled transition of ownership while protecting the interests of creditors and stakeholders.

    For detailed advice on whether Pre-Pack Administration is suitable for your situation, please contact us directly.


Speed: Allows for a quick sale process, preserving the value of the business. Continuity: Enables the business to continue operating under new ownership. Preservation of jobs: Helps retain jobs and relationships with suppliers and customers.

Companies may opt for Pre-Pack Administration when selling the business as a going concern on the open market is not feasible. This could be due to time constraints, the critical role of key personnel, or specific market conditions.

An Insolvency Practitioner (IP) is appointed to manage the administration and sale of assets. The IP's role includes ensuring that the assets are sold at the best possible price to maximise creditor returns.

No, the consent of creditors is not required for the sale to proceed. However, consulting major creditors before the sale is considered good practice to maintain transparency and avoid potential disputes.

Prior to administration, the IP conducts valuations and market inquiries to establish the fair market value of the assets. This ensures that the sale price reflects the true worth of the business.

Yes, directors or shareholders can purchase the business assets through a Pre-Pack sale. However, they must ensure that the transaction is conducted fairly and that the sale price is justified to avoid allegations of improper conduct.

Speed: Allows for a quick sale process, preserving the value of the business.<br> Continuity: Enables the business to continue operating under new ownership.<br> Preservation of jobs: Helps retain jobs and relationships with suppliers and customers.<br>

Perception: It may be perceived as lacking transparency if not executed with proper consultation and disclosure to creditors. Fairness: There could be concerns about fairness if directors or shareholders are involved in purchasing back the business.

Creditors can challenge a Pre-Pack sale if they believe it was not conducted in their best interests or if they were not properly consulted. However, the sale can proceed without creditor consent.

The timeline can vary, but Pre-Pack Administration typically allows for a swift transition, often within a matter of weeks, compared to longer administration processes.

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Atlantic Business Centre, Atlantic Street, Altrincham, WA14 5NQ


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